Victim Assistance Program
It is important to know that victims of crime have specific rights. The Office of the District Attorney for the 15th Judicial District, in an effort to protect the rights of victims, has established the Victims
Assistance Program.
Our mission is to provide compassionate and effective services in an effort to address the needs of crime victims. We will ensure that all victims of crime will be given the knowledge and assistance they need to actively participate in the criminal court process.
Services Provided by the Victims Assistance Program:
Upon request, advance notice to victim or designated family member concerning judicial proceedings and the right to be present, including notification of pardon or parole.
Information regarding availability of crime victim compensation and how to apply.
Notification to victim of right to submit victim impact statement before sentencing or disposition.
Assistance in return of property to victim or family of victim at conclusion of case.
Notification of right to request restitution.
Referrals to social service organizations for counseling and financial assistance.
These services are provided at no cost as a public service by the Office of the District Attorney. Please feel free to contact our Victim Coordinators in your parish.
Acadia Parish
P.O. Box 288
Crowley, LA 70527-0288
Phone: 337-788-8831
Acadia Parish
LaKayla Stelly
500 Court Cir #3
Crowley, LA 70526
Phone: 337-514-2220
Fax: 337-783-9471
Lafayette Parish
Kim L. Bettevy
P.O. Box 3306
Lafayette, LA 70502-3306
Phone: 337-232-5170
Fax: 337-266-5481
Vermilion Parish
Angie Hebert
100 North State Street, Suite 215
Abbeville, LA 70510
Phone: 337-898-4320
Fax: 337-893-0103