Adult Crimes
The Office of the District Attorney prosecutes criminal cases involving adult defendants (18 years of age or older) charged with violations of state criminal law.
The Office of the District Attorney provides a full staff of prosecutors for each of the State District Courts that are allotted criminal cases. The State District Courts are located at:
Criminal Court Track 1:
Track Leader: Chase Edwards, ADA
Office: (337) 262-8628
Holden Hoggatt, ADA
Stephen Williams, ADA
Criminal Court Track 1 Judge:
Judge Valerie Gotch Garrett
Office: (337) 269-5708
Fax: (337) 269-5726
Criminal Court Track 2:
Track Leader: Alan Haney, ADA
Office: (337) 262-8638
Donald H. Knecht, Jr., ADA
Kenneth Hebert, ADA
Criminal Court Track 1 Judge:
Judge Scott Privat
Office: (337) 788-8817
Fax: (337) 783-1017
Criminal Court Track 3:
Track Leader: Johnny Ghio, ADA
Office: (337) 231-5884
James Klock, ADA
Chris Landry, ADA
Criminal Court Track 3 Judge:
Judge Marilyn Castle
Office: (337) 269-5708
Fax: (337) 269-5726
Criminal Court Track 4:
Track Leader: Roya S. Boustany, ADA
Office: (337) 262-8650
Lance Beal, ADA
Cori Phelps, ADA
Criminal Court Track 4 Judge:
Judge Royale Colbert
Office: (337) 269-5724
Fax: (337) 7269-5716
Criminal Court Track 5:
Track Leader: Frederick L. Welter, First
Assistant DA
Office: (337) 232-5170
Andi Lex, ADA
Matt Allen, ADA
Criminal Court Track 5 Judge:
Judge Michele S. Billeaud
Office: (337) 269-5706
Misdemeanor Prosecutors:
Chris Richard, ADA
Misdemeanor Drugs: Ronald Dauterive, ADA
Misdemeanor Domestic Abuse: Emilia Pardo, ADA
The trial sections of the Office of the District Attorney in Acadia Parish are located on the 3rd floor of the Acadia Parish Courthouse, and the Felony Prosecutors are:
Angela Wagar, ADA
Elliott Cassidy, ADA
Burton Guidry, ADA
J. Thomas Klock, ADA
Kay Gautreaux, ADA
Gale Luquette, ADA
Parker Mitchell, ADA
Office: (337) 788-8831
Fax: (337) 783-9471
The trial sections of the Office of the District Attorney in Vermilion Parish are located on the 2nd floor of the Vermilion Parish Courthouse, and the Felony Prosecutors are:
Ted Ayo, ADA
Rickey Lafleur, ADA
Aaron Meche, ADA
Bhyllie Mouton, ADA
Aimee Hebert, ADA
Celeste White, ADA
Woody Woodruff, ADA
Office: (337) 898-4320
Fax: (337) 893-0103